from A to Z – search, filing, prosecution, patent issuance
Start with a preliminary patent search in most cases.
PATENT TIMELINE (Utility Patent)
Step | Time from Start |
Patent Search and Opinion | 0-4 weeks |
Patent Application | 0-6 months |
Information Disclosure Statement | 0-6 months |
Patent Examiner Conducts Search | 6-24 months |
Patent Examiner Compares Relevant Prior Art | 6-27 months |
Examiner Renders a First Office Action or Allowance | 6-27 months |
Issuance, Abandonment or Further Prosecution | 9-30 months |
Response to Office Action, Amendment, Argument | 9-30 months |
Subsequent Office Actions and Arguments | 12-36 months |
Subsequent Issuance, Final Rejection, or Appeal | 15-39 months |
These timeframes are all estimates. Every case is different. The process can be expedited under new USPTO rules with the payment of additional fees and by following certain formal procedures. This timeline does not apply for design patents.
Patent pending status is claimed after filing a patent application, which is usually 0-6 months after beginning the patent process.