Trademark Information Form for New Filing Formal Name of the Owner(Required) The owner and contact person might differ. Identify the owner of the trademark here.Entity Type(Required)Sole ProprietorshipLLCCorporation (for profit)Non-profit corporationOtherOther Entity Type State Organized (if LLC/Corporation, etc) TRADEMARK INFORMATION SECTIONThis trademark information section repeats to enter three trademarks. Please complete a separate form for the fourth and additional marks.TRADEMARK TO REGISTER(Required) Enter the trademark’s word(s) or briefly describe a logoSTYLIZED MARK(Required) No – words only Yes – includes graphics or non-text features If yes, the attorney requests an exact copy of the second mark for filing. UPLOAD THE STYLIZED MARKAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.The preferred format is a black and white or grayscale image between 300px to 900px.GOODS AND SERVICES(Required)List of specific goods or services using or intending to use the trademark.INTENT TO USE(Required) Yes No Other Mark “yes” if the owner has not used the trademark in commerce for all the goods or services listed. Mark “other” if the owner used the mark with some of the goods/services listed.DATE OF FIRST USE Month Day Year Date of first use of the trademark in commerce to identify any of the products or services listed (leave blank if “intent to use”)ADDITIONAL TRADEMARK(Required) Yes No If you want to protect another trademark, such as a logo, select “yes” to enter the additional information.TRADEMARK INFORMATION SECTIONEnter information for the 2nd trademark.#2 TRADEMARK TO REGISTER(Required) Enter the trademark’s word(s) or briefly describe a logoSTYLIZED MARK(Required) No – words only Yes – includes graphics or non-text features If yes, the attorney requests an exact copy of the second mark for filing. UPLOAD THE STYLIZED MARKAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.The preferred format is a black and white or grayscale image between 300px to 900px.GOODS AND SERVICES(Required)List of specific goods or services using or intending to use the trademark.INTENT TO USE(Required) Yes No Other Mark “yes” if the owner has not used the trademark in commerce for all the goods or services listed. Mark “other” if the owner used the mark with some of the goods/services listed.DATE OF FIRST USE Month Day Year Date of first use of the trademark in commerce to identify any of the products or services listed (leave blank if “intent to use”)ADDITIONAL TRADEMARK(Required) Yes No If you want to protect another trademark, such as a logo, select “yes” to enter the additional information.TRADEMARK INFORMATION SECTIONEnter information for the 3rd trademark.#3 TRADEMARK TO REGISTER(Required) Enter the trademark’s word(s) or briefly describe a logoSTYLIZED MARK(Required) No – words only Yes – includes graphics or non-text features If yes, the attorney requests an exact copy of the second mark for filing. UPLOAD THE STYLIZED MARKAccepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, Max. file size: 64 MB.The preferred format is a black and white or grayscale image between 300px to 900px.GOODS AND SERVICES(Required)List of specific goods or services using or intending to use the trademark.INTENT TO USE(Required) Yes No Other Mark “yes” if the owner has not used the trademark in commerce for all the goods or services listed. Mark “other” if the owner used the mark with some of the goods/services listed.DATE OF FIRST USE Month Day Year Date of first use of the trademark in commerce to identify any of the products or services listed (leave blank if “intent to use”)HiddenAgreementAgreement(Required) Click to Consent By clicking the Submit button below you electronically agree to Clark & Bellamy, P.C.’s Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and trademark prosecution Retention and Engagement Terms. Δ